Progress Check: Fitness at Forty: Shreddin' Time

We're about a month into my 3-month program, so it's time for an update on how things are going.

In the past month, I haven't been perfect. I might have indulged in too many ice cream cones at the beginning, and I went a bit overboard with intermittent fasting. My first Dexa scan, which was done two weeks in, didn't show much change.

Since then, I've been focusing more on my fitness and nutrition. However, I also took an eight-day trip to Costa Rica. During the trip, I was active, but I didn't have much control over what I ate, and I enjoyed the local food and drinks.

Recent Dexa results — age then body fat percentage.

Nevertheless, my most recent Dexa scan on September 15th showed a reduction in my body fat percentage to 12.1 percent. 

It's worth noting that Dexa scans can be a bit tricky. Factors like water weight and the time of day can influence the results, so I'll confirm this progress with another Dexa scan before fully believing it.

My resting heart rate has been a bit stubborn. It was around 61-62 when I started, and now it's hovering around 58-59. I know it can go lower, and avoiding alcohol will help with that. There's more work to be done here, but I also wonder if my age might mean it won't drop as low as it used to.

I also had my VO2 max tested recently. This involves being hooked up to monitors, wearing a mask connected to tubes, and walking on an inclined treadmill as they increase the speed.

My VO2 max came in at 52.6, which is in the 94th percentile for my age group. I'm pretty happy with that, and I don't think I need to specifically work on improving it.

I was interested in this benchmark because of Dr. Peter Attia’s work on the association between VO2 max and longevity. He has pointed out that the difference between someone who is elite (top five percent, which I am on the cusp of) and someone who is low fitness is a five times reduction on all-cause mortality.

Since I am already there, I will just aim to maintain my cardio fitness and not spend money on future tests.

It seems like progress is on pace, but I know there's room for improvement.

I am enjoying logging my lifting sessions again and am reminded how much easier progress is made when you are actually measuring. The calorie restriction has affected my energy a little, and when I am on the low side of calories I get a little light-headed when I get up and move. I have been running a bit more than expected, keeping in a low Zone 2/3 range, which requires less recovery and allows me to run more frequently.

I'll keep at it, aiming to get closer to 11 percent body fat in the next month. After that, I'll up my calories a bit and focus on building some muscle and giving myself a bit more energy. 


Next-Level Habit Formation


A Solo Trip to Santa Teresa, Costa Rica During Rainy Season