The Things They Can't Sell You

A few years ago, while driving out West on my mystical adventure into the unknown, I happened upon James Nestor's Breathe: The New Science of a Lost Art in Audiobook format.

Among many lessons in the book, it highlights the significant life improvements that result from nasal breathing versus mouth breathing. Nasal breathing improves many health outcomes, enhances quality of life, improves sleep quality, and the book even documents the rise in modern orthodontic issues that correlate to an increase in mouth breathing.

I have been taping my mouth shut every night ever since this read, and if I don’t, I notice a dramatic reduction in the quality of rest I get.

I raise this because this simple change of teaching myself to breathe through my nose versus my mouth is a tremendous quality-of-life enhancer that I had never heard of and is free.

In fact, later I would visit a Chinese Acupuncturist in Florianopolis, Brazil, who explained a recurring jiu-jitsu injury I was having with my shoulder was a result of breathing with my mouth, which caused me to lean my shoulders forward and was creating an impingement. The cure? Mouth taping and stretching. A relatively simple prescription considering a shoulder specialist back home had tried to recommend surgery.

In our economy, there is a tremendous incentive to sell you expensive products that solve your problems. We see this on billboards, TV commercials, and online advertising throughout the day. 

In fact, there is a tremendous incentive to create a problem and sell you a product that solves it. 

For example, putting up a picture of a fit person while trying to sell you a workout product suggests you can and should look like the fit person, and this product will get you there. If you are not holding hands with your significant other while walking through a meadow, you are missing out, and here is a pill that can remedy the problem that was just created for you. 

The inverse to all of this is that there is little incentive to promote tools that are free and that could help you or solve your problems.

If there isn’t a profit to be had, there isn’t an incentive for a for-profit business to market these solutions. You may never hear about the dramatic, positive benefits readily available solutions can have on your well-being and happiness because they don’t have a marketing budget.

For instance, we all have a baseline understanding of the importance of sleep. I believe many underestimate just how important sleep is though, and do not realize that your mood swings and lack of focus are often correlated to the 5-6 hours of sleep you got, and not an underlying disorder or because of something your idiot colleague did that set you off. 

While there are many products that people will sell you to aid your sleep, the point is that you can make remarkable improvements in your life simply by training yourself to get a quality night’s sleep each night. If we all slept well each night, many products that promise improvements in mood, alertness, or even lowering your blood pressure wouldn’t be needed or as necessary.

There are many areas where it is the case that we have at our fingertips a free way to fix or aid our problems, but the information is not readily available or promoted.

Posture stands out to me. People go to enormous lengths, years of therapy, or other means to enhance their self-confidence. But standing up straight also helps, and it’s available to you now. Good posture also helps with alleviating back pain, reducing the risk of injury, energy, circulation, appearance with da ladiez, makes you more approachable socially, and also can help with longevity. 

Stretching is also available to you at any time. The benefits include stress relief, pain relief, better digestion, improved moods, and much more. All of which might prevent the need for expensive products or medications to treat these woes. 

I’ve hit on meditation many times, but in brevity, many doctor visits and prescription refills could be discarded with this simple, free practice. 

Do you struggle with procrastination? Does the need for comfort prevent you from venturing into unknown situations? Take a cold shower. Take one every day. Teach yourself that these uncomfortable situations you avoid are not what you’ve made them out to be. 

Feeling blue today? Have you been out in the sun?

You get the point. 

And maybe you have a particular affliction that can’t be aided by these readily available resources. I know these are real, but I also know that many are exaggerated or many are labels people put on themselves to explain their behavior and excuse themselves from putting work into the issue.

But natural, free, or near-free remedies should be exhausted before taking expensive or medical approaches. 

What if many of our “problems” were not what we think they are? That many of the challenges we are seeking to overcome are the product of marketing or deception? Certainly not all of them, but more than we think.

Here is a simple list, via ChatGpt, of things that are free or inexpensive, available to us now, and that will greatly enhance our lives:

  • Sunlight: Exposure to natural sunlight can boost your mood, improve your sleep quality, and provide essential vitamin D, which is important for bone health and overall well-being. It's also a great way to get some fresh air and enjoy the outdoors.

  • Sleep: Getting a good night's sleep is crucial for your physical and mental health. It helps with memory consolidation, mood regulation, and overall cognitive function. Good sleep hygiene practices, like maintaining a regular sleep schedule and creating a comfortable sleep environment, can help improve your sleep quality.

  • Exercise: Regular physical activity is known to improve both physical and mental health. You don't need an expensive gym membership to stay active; activities like walking, jogging, cycling, and bodyweight exercises can be done for free or at a low cost.

  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Practices like meditation and mindfulness can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity. You can find numerous free meditation apps and guided sessions online.

  • Reading: Reading is an affordable way to expand your knowledge, stimulate your imagination, and reduce stress. Public libraries are a great resource for free books, or you can explore free e-books and audiobooks online.

  • Nutritious Eating: Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables can have a positive impact on your health. While some organic or specialty foods can be expensive, many nutritious foods are budget-friendly.

  • Community and Social Connections: Building and maintaining relationships with family and friends can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging. These connections are free and can greatly improve your life satisfaction.

  • Learning: Access to information and educational resources is easier than ever. You can learn new skills and acquire knowledge through free or low-cost online courses, YouTube tutorials, and educational websites.

  • Nature: Spending time in nature is associated with improved mental health and reduced stress. Parks, forests, and other natural settings are often freely accessible.

  • Volunteering: Giving your time to help others can be incredibly rewarding. Volunteering is a way to make a positive impact on your community and foster a sense of purpose.

  • Gratitude: Practicing gratitude by focusing on the positive aspects of your life and acknowledging what you're thankful for costs nothing and can improve your overall outlook and mental well-being.

  • Creativity: Engaging in creative pursuits like drawing, writing, or playing music can be a source of personal fulfillment and stress relief. Many creative hobbies require minimal investment.

  • Breathing Exercises: Deep breathing and relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and anxiety. These can be learned and practiced for free.

  • Time Management: Effective time management skills can help you achieve your goals and reduce stress. There are many free apps and resources available to help you organize your time better.

  • Yoga and Stretching: Yoga and stretching exercises can improve flexibility and reduce tension. You can find free instructional videos online to get started.

What else is out there?

In summary, you may not be aware of many solutions to your problems where there is not adequate profit and marketing incentive to inform you. But you should look for these options first before buying into the things they sell you.

Via negativa: “less is more and usually more effective.”


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