The Blog That Will Change The World Is Born

When I was but a boy, my mother would give me a dollar for every book I read. I didn’t realize then that this was a trick to keep me quiet for several hours at a time.

In hindsight, I realize that my family always placed extra value on the written word. Maybe it’s not an accident then that for the past 12+ years, I have worked in communications and written for a living.

But my professional writing has been for other people and often on topics I have had little interest in. I’ve decided to change that.

I’m a blogger now! And I am excited about this new adventure. I now get to use my work skillz to discuss my interests and passions, and I will learn to evaluate my experiences, travels, and adventures from a writer’s perspective.

So what do I have to write about, and what is the focus of this blog?

Well, throughout my life I've dabbled in a variety of interests, from running to rock climbing, from stoicism to jiu-jitsu. At the time of this writing, I am a surfer, a yogi, and an avid and outspoken meditator.

And no, I’m not Batman — though one could be forgiven for the confusion. I’m just someone who has always enjoyed the learnin’ even more than the doin’. Rather than pursuing these hobbies as a means of identity or lifelong dedication, I approach them as opportunities for exploration and education.

This blog will be a chronicle of my ongoing quest to learn and experience more of life.

I am excited that developing this blog will expand my knowledge and skills in areas like web development, e-commerce, and marketing, as well as sharpen my writing. And I humbly recognize that I begin today as arguably the worst blogger on the internet, and can’t wait to see how I improve over time.

Where this leads, I do not know. But through the process, I hope to use this site as a reason to dive deeper into my experiences and find out what parts of my life are of interest to others. I also hope the need for content challenges me to push further into the unknown.

For now, I plan to share my thoughts and reflections on personal growth, lifestyle, and travel experiences every other week. I would be honored if you'd join me on this exploration, and even more grateful for any feedback or ideas you have to share, as well as for helping me to spread the word.

Thank you for joining me, and welcome to Learning IRL!


PS — Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button below to stay in the loop. And please share this site with anyone that might be interested.


8 Rules for Life