The Things They Can't Sell You
Tom Tom

The Things They Can't Sell You

You may never hear about the dramatic, positive benefits readily available solutions can have on your well-being and happiness because they don’t have a marketing budget.

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Meet Nappy
Tom Tom

Meet Nappy

A funny thing happened on my journey to enlightenment and eternal glory.

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How to Start Meditating
Tom Tom

How to Start Meditating

Meditation can be a bit mysterious, but it's interesting that everyone I have encountered who practices recommends it so strongly.

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Nonverbal Communication: Mastering the Art of Confident Presentations
Tom Tom

Nonverbal Communication: Mastering the Art of Confident Presentations

For whatever reason, many people in our society seem to think that presenting is an innate gift – you either can do it or you can not. This is untrue. Presenting with confidence is a learnable skill. Show me someone who can give strong presentations, and I will show you someone who worked hard at it, either through practice or by giving many presentations in the past. 

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Nonverbal Communication for Success in a Meeting
Tom Tom

Nonverbal Communication for Success in a Meeting

From the moment you enter a meeting room, your nonverbal cues are working for or against you in concert with your spoken words. Let's explore strategies of nonverbal communication to ensure you leave the impression you want in every workplace meeting.

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Fitness at Forty: Shreddin' Time
Tom Tom

Fitness at Forty: Shreddin' Time

A while back someone said to me, “Once you hit 40, you lose your metabolism.” The idea being I should enjoy my fitness while it lasts, and it won’t last long.  I don’t believe this for a minute. But it has been on the back of my mind since then to make it a point to get in the best shape of my life once I hit 40.

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